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Welcome to the Magnificent Beta Mu Mu Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated! Chartered January 26th 2007. Congratulations to our newest members: Bro. Evans, Bro. Charles, Bro. Dent, and Bro. Henderson!! Friendship is Essential to the Soul!!!!
HomeBasileus Message





Brothers and friends, I greet you in the name of Almighty God, the Creator and Sustainer of all things in the Universe.

Above all things associated with my life, I place God first. He worked his will through three undergraduates and their faculty advisor to form our great organization, The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. nearest our heart. He allowed us to band together as a group, bound by friendship and hope for the common good of mankind and I thank him.

Omega was created to give like-minded men a vehicle to serve our respective communities in an organized fashion, suitable for the times we are living in. Now, the work of Omega is too grand to be carried out during our spare time. We must plan well for our future that includes strengthening and building a greater Omega. While we are facing constant change, we must change our attitudes and minds to accommodate that change.


We must let God be the foundation of our lives. Everything about our lives has to be centered on his Devine Providence. Whatever we build, we should use materials from his purpose for our lives. With God as our conscious, we know all things are possible through Him. We are what we think about. We are where our thoughts have brought us.

Now is the time to get started making a difference in someone’s life. We must not wait for someone else to do it. Good students do well because they begin their homework immediately after class or school. Poor students wait to be pushed or prodded by someone else.

My brothers, I encourage you to give some of your best to Omega. Our membership in Omega brings awesome responsibility and hard work with its many joys and lasting friendships. Let us together show the world uncommon men raising above the ordinary to a plane of greatness. 

Finally, we all need prayer, commitment, ideas and effort.



Brother Elton R. Bacon

Basileus, Beta Mu Mu Chapter